How to apply
University of Kragujevac offers a number of degree programs held in English language which you can find here.
Once you decide which program you want to pursue, you need to contact directly the desired faculty/department since each faculty/department defines its own enrolment/transfer conditions and fees.
Here is the list of all University of Kragujevac faculties.
Foreign citizens who want to enroll into bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes in Serbia must have their secondary school diploma recognized by an authorized national body, ENIC/NARIC Centre. Further information about the recognition procedure can be found in ENIC/NARIC’s brochure.
Transfers to bachelor degree programs, as well as the admissions/transfers into master’s and PhD degree programmes in Serbia are preconditioned by the recognition of previously acquired qualifications which is done by the university whose program you have chosen to pursue.
University of Kragujevac recognition procedure can be found here.
If you are interested in adding an international dimension to your education by spending a study period abroad, the University of Kragujevac is pleased to welcome you.
The University of Kragujevac works very actively to internationalize all of its activities. Through participation in the Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus programmes, international networks and projects and trough agreements with various foreign universities, students, researchers, academic and administrative staff can take part in exchanges at the University of Kragujevac.
Exchange students are students participating in a formal exchange programme between their home university and the University of Kragujevac (i.e. Erasmus+, Bilateral agreements, CEEPUS, Erasmus Mundus Action 2 partnership, etc.).
Exchange students participating in a formal exchange programme are exempted from paying tuition fees and can study at the University of Kragujevac through above mentioned exchange programs for one or two semesters.
Exchange students interested for mobility within bilateral agreements, Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects, CEEPUS should follow the application process of the respective program.
Exchange students interested for mobility within Erasmus+ programme should visit the section How to apply in order to obtain more information regarding application procedure.
For practical information regarding visa, travel, insurance and accommodation, please visit the section Services and support.
For information on academic offer of the University of Kragujevac check our Course catalog.
If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Contact persons:
Olivera Mijatovic, Head of IRO
Milica Spasojevic and Predrag Vukomanovic, Student mobility officers, Administrative Erasmus+ Coordinators
Phone: +381 (0)34 300425
University of Kragujevac, International Relation Office
Liceja Knezevine Srbije 1A, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia